
Case Study: Scaling Viori’s Pinterest Monthly Views to 80K in Just Two Months

By September 7, 2023 No Comments
Scaling your pinterst views fast.  Viori pinterest grew by 77,000 in two months.

Every brand dreams of achieving monumental growth on social media platforms, and Viori’s success story on Pinterest is a testament to what’s possible with the right strategy. In merely two months, Viori witnessed a whopping 2500% increase in their monthly Pinterest views, growing from 3,000 to an impressive 80,000. Let’s uncover the straightforward approach that led to this monumental growth.

The Strategy:

While many assume that intricate algorithms and complicated strategies are the secret to success, the magic recipe for Viori was clear and simple:

  1. Rich Content: Viori was already equipped with an arsenal of engaging videos and photos. Content is king, and having a treasure trove of it was the first stepping stone to their success.
  2. Keyword Optimization: Recognizing the power of search on Pinterest, a robust keyword list was created targeting terms that were crucial for Viori’s brand identity and its audience.
  3. Consistent Posting: Leveraging the content and keywords, we crafted and posted 20 new pins daily. This consistency, while sounding daunting, ensured Viori’s pins were always present in the feeds of their target audience.

This simple yet effective strategy not only enhanced Viori’s visibility on Pinterest but skyrocketed their monthly views by 2500%, cementing their place as a recognizable brand on the platform.

Best Practices for Pinterest Not Mentioned Above:

  • Vertical Imagery: Pinterest favors vertical images. Ensure your pins have a 2:3 aspect ratio for optimal visibility.
  • Engage with Your Community: Respond to comments, engage with other pinners, and build a sense of community. This boosts your brand’s trust and authenticity.
  • Use Rich Pins: These provide more information directly on the pin, enhancing user experience. Whether it’s an article, app, or product, rich pins can boost engagement.
  • Monitor Analytics: Pinterest provides insights on what’s working and what’s not. Regularly review these to refine your strategy.

Call to Action:
Inspired by Viori’s success story? We believe every brand has the potential to shine on Pinterest. If you’re looking to supercharge your Pinterest presence and achieve similar results, book a strategy session with us. Let’s craft your success story together.

Book a Strategy Session Now

Keith Hubert

Keith Hubert

Fractional CMO